Disusun Oleh:
Nama : Habibi Alhudha
N.I.M : 16.12.9317
Kelas : 16-S1SI-06
Kata Pengantar
Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT
yang telah memberikan Rahmat dan Karunia -Nya sehingga penyusunan karya tulis
PENGOLAH GRAFIS” dapat selesai tepat pada waktunya.
Dalam Karya Ilmiah ini penulis
membahas tentang sebuah peluang yang menggabungkan kreatifitas, seni dan juga
teknologi untuk membuat suatu keuntungan bagi kita yaitu dengan menggunakan
Aplikasi Pengolah Grafis.
Penulis juga mengucapkan
terimakasih kepada dosen pembimbing dan pihak-pihak yang telah membantu dalam
menyelesaikan makalah ini. Semoga makalah ini dapat bermanfaat bagi
para pembaca. Karya Ilmiah ini masih terdapat banyak kekurangan,
Olehkarena itu penulis mengucapkan maaf apabila ada kekurangan.
Terima Kasih.
Habibi Alhudha
A. Abstrak
Dijaman saat ini
yang modern dan serba teknlogi berbagai cara dilakukan untuk mendapatkan uang.
Namun jika mencari pekerjaan di dunia nyata itu sulit, sekarang sedang
marak-maraknya mencari uang melalui dunia maya atau internet dengan bisnis
online. Tapi tahukah anda bahwa ada satu lagi peluang bisnis kyang sebenarnya sangat berpeluang untuk
menghasilkan keuntungan ?.
Design Grafis
contohnya, saat ini design grafis sangat dibutuhkan dalam masyarakat, dan ini
dapat menjadi peluang yang sangat menguntungkan. Aplikasi Design Grafis adalah
aplikasi yang menggabungkan unsur seni, kreativitas dan teknologi untuk membuat
sebuah seni grafis yang berbeda. Design Grafis ini banyak digunakan untuk
mencurahkan kreatifitas dan ide pikiran kita ataupun mengedit foto yang kita
inginkan menjadi lebih menarik dan kreatif.
Lalu bagaimana
caranya untuk menghasilkan untung ? Disini untung kita dapat perhitungkan dari
ide dan sisi kreatifitas kita. Di bagian pembahasan nanti kita akan membahas
desain seperti apa yang dapat membuat keuntungan untukmu tanpa harus
mengeluarkan uang banyak dalam memulai bisnis ini. Cukup berbekal ide,
kreatifitas, ketekunan, keahlian, lapto/ komputer/ tab, handphone, dan konesi
internet maka anda dapat menjadi seorang seniman yang menguntungkan bagi orang
lain dan diri anda sendiri.
B. Tujuan
dan Manfaat Penulisan
Adapun Tujuan
Penulisan ini adalah sebagai berikut :
Untuk memberikan gambaran bagi para pembaca
khususnya mahasiswa yang ingin berkarya seni dan hobi dalam desain grafis bahwa
ada peluang bisnis di bidang ini.
Meberikan motivasi serta menyalurkan bakat dan
Mengenalkan aplikasi pengolah grafis.
C. Metode
Dalam menulisa
karya ilmiah ini penulis memberikan tulisannya dan memperoleh data-data adalah
menggunakan beberapa metode sebagi berikut :
Studi Online : Penulis memperoleh data-data dari
online atau dari internet yang mana membuat beragam data yang berkaitan dengan judul karya tulis ilmiah
Studi Praktek : Penulis mempraktekan dan juga
menggunakan aplikasi yang dijelaskan dalam karya ilmiah ini.
Ada lebih dari satu aplikasi pengolah grafis yang ada di
dunia. Contohnya : Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Paint tool SAI, dll. Namun dalam
pembahasan karya ilmiah ini penulis memilih salah satu dari aplikasi diatas
yaitu Adobe Photoshop.
Adobe Photoshop adalah salah
satu aplikasi perangkat lunak editor gambar buatan Adobe Systems yang
dikhususkan untuk pengeditan foto/gambar dan pembuatan efek, atau biasa disebut
layer style. Perangkat lunak ini banyak digunakan oleh fotografer digital dan
perusahaan iklan, Photoshop Selain memiliki fitur yang mudah untuk di pahami,
photoshop juga memiliki beberapa unggulan fitur yang mampu bekerja maximal,
hingga mensuport beberapa file, sehingga bagi kamu seorang desain grafis, ini
merupakan salah satu syarat jika kamu pengen masuk ke dunia desain grafis,
photoshop dengan segala fasilitasnya.
Photoshop mengkhususkan dirinya sebagai perangkat lunak untuk mengedit gambar dalam format BITMAP (Lihat tulisan mengenai BITMAP VS VECTOR). Oleh karena itu Photoshop seringkali digunakan oleh para fotografer karena foto adalah salah satu gambar dengan format BITMAP. Saat ini Photoshop merupakan perangkat lunak terbaik di kelasnya. ‘Hampir’ tidak ada tandingannya.
Photoshop mengkhususkan dirinya sebagai perangkat lunak untuk mengedit gambar dalam format BITMAP (Lihat tulisan mengenai BITMAP VS VECTOR). Oleh karena itu Photoshop seringkali digunakan oleh para fotografer karena foto adalah salah satu gambar dengan format BITMAP. Saat ini Photoshop merupakan perangkat lunak terbaik di kelasnya. ‘Hampir’ tidak ada tandingannya.
Lalu bagaimana dengan peluang
bisnisnya ? Sangat gampang. Munculkan Ide kreatifmu dalam mengolah gambar,
Kreasikan lalu buatlah hasilnya semenarik mungkin, anda bisa menggabungkan
beberapa foto menjadi satu yang biasa disebut Manipulasi Foto. Langkah
berikutnya adalah meng-upload karya kalian pada web, sosial media, ataupun blog
kalian. Atau jika ingin lebih ter-publish dengan cepat, uploadlah ke Deviantart.com
/ 99Design.com / Sribu.com.
Banyak perusahaan besar yang
membutuhkan jasa desain grafis untuk mendesain logo, label, poster, dll.
Tergantung pada kebutuhan perusahaan yang membutuhkan jasa desain grafis.
Dari pembahasan diatas dapat kita simpulkan
bahwa dengan kreatifitas dan teknologi-pun mampu membuat suatu lapangan
pekerjaan baru yang dapat membuat kita mendulang kesuksesan tanpa harus banyak
bermodal. Dengan mengembangkan bakat yang kita miliki kita dapat menjadi
panutan dalam hal mensukseskan diri bagi sekitar kita.
7 Peluang Bisnis Offline Rumahan
Berikut ini adalah beberapa peluang bisnis dengan modal kecil yang sering dikerjakan oleh para pengusaha kecil dan menengah:
A. Bisnis Offline Dari Rumah
Ada banyak sekali peluang bisnis modal kecil yang bisa dikerjakan dari rumah. Kita dapat melakukan semua proses menjalankan bisnis dengan baik tanpa harus menyewa tempat. Walaupun begitu kita harus mempertimbangkan market yang ada di sekitar kita, apakah akan ada orang yang membutuhkan produk yang kita jual di sana? Berikut ini adalah beberapa jenis usaha rumahan dengan modal kecil yang bisa kita kerjakan:

Ilustrasi dari Google Image
1. Membuka Jasa Menjahit
Banyak orang yang ingin menjahitkan pakaiannya dengan model dan ukuran tertentu, terutama mereka yang memiliki tubuh yang agak gemuk atau terlalu kurus. Nah, mereka ini pasti selalu mencari jasa penjahit pakaian yang bisa membuat pakaian yang sesuai dengan bentuk tubuh mereka. Bisnis ini sangat cocok untuk orang yang memiliki minat pada dunia fashion, tentunya Anda harus memiliki kemampuan dalam menjahit dan mendesain pakaian.
Selain untuk membuat pakaian baru, jasa menjahit sering juga dibutuhkan oleh mereka yang ingin mengecilkan pakaian yang terlalu besar, atau sekedar memasang atribut tertentu di pakaian mereka. Seperti kita ketahui, banyak sekali orang membeli pakaian (baju/ celana) yang modelnya sedang hits, namun saat akan dibeli ternyata ukurannya terlalu besar. Nah, untuk mengecilkan pakaian tersebut, si customer tentu akan mencari jasa penjahit yang bisa mengecilkan pakaian tersebut.

Ilustrasi dari Nagaswarafm.com
2. Bisnis Kuliner
Kalau Anda memiliki resep makanan yang unik atau bisa membuat snack yang digemari banyak orang, maka Anda harus mempertimbangkan bisnis ini. Usaha ini sangat cocok untuk orang yang menyukai tentang dunia kuliner. Tidak sedikit orang yang berhasil menjalankan bisnis makanan, bahkan bisnisnya semakin berkembang dan membuka cabang di tempat lain.
Perlu diketahui juga bahwa bisnis kuliner adalah salah satu model bisnis yang tidak akan pernah mengalami kemunduran. Mengapa? Karena kuliner atau makanan adalah kebutuhan pokok manusia. Walaupun saat ini telah banyak kita temukan berbagai jenis usaha kuliner, tetap saja akan muncul jenis bisnis kuliner lain dengan tampilan dan kemasan yang berbeda.
Model bisnis ini juga bisa dijalankan dengan modal yang relatif kecil lho. Dan bila Anda tidak punya keahlian dalam dunia kuliner namun sangat ingin memiliki sebuah bisnis makanan, maka Anda bisa mempertimbangkan untuk membeli #bisnis waralaba makanan dengan modal yang kecil, misalnya waralaba makanan camilan. Salah satu bisnis franchise makanan ringan yang bisa Anda pertimbangkan adalah waralaba tahu jeletot.
3. Bisnis Menjual Pulsa Elektrik

Ilustrasi dari Google Image
Memulai bisnis jual pulsa saat ini sebenarnya cukup mudah dan murah, hanya dengan modal awal Rp 100.000 – Rp 300.000 kita sudah bisa mulai menjalankan bisnis ini, bisa dikerjakan di mana saja dan siapa saja. Bila Anda adalah seseorang yang aktif dalam sebuah network, organisasi di mana anggotanya cukup banyak, atau anak kuliahan, maka bisnis jual pulsa bisa sangat menguntungkan lho karena kita bisa menjualnya pada teman-teman yang berada di network, organisasi, dan kampus.
Namun, untuk menjalankan bisnis pulsa elektrik butuh keseriusan dan strategi pemasaran yang baik karena saat ini persaingan jual pulsa elektrik sudah cukup ketat. Dan untuk memulai, maka Anda harus mendaftar menjadi agen jual pulsa elektrik di beberapa Distributor pulsa elektrik, seperti: Pulsa-Online.com, Venuspulsa.com, Istanareload.com, Centerpulsa.com, dan lain-lain.
Ada beberapa tips jitu yang bisa dilakukan agar bisa berhasil menjalankan bisnis pulsa elektrik, diantaranya adalah:
a. Mendaftarlah menjadi agen pulsa pada distributor pulsa terpercaya
b. Jangan mengambil untung terlalu besar
c. Jangan berikan kesempatan orang untuk nge-bon pulsa
d. Promosi dengan memperhatikan etika, baik itu melalui media sosial ataupun media lain
e. Pertahankan memberikan pelayanan yang baik pada semua pelanggan
b. Jangan mengambil untung terlalu besar
c. Jangan berikan kesempatan orang untuk nge-bon pulsa
d. Promosi dengan memperhatikan etika, baik itu melalui media sosial ataupun media lain
e. Pertahankan memberikan pelayanan yang baik pada semua pelanggan
4. Bisnis Membuka Les Private/ Kursus

Ilustrasi dari Google Image
Menjual keahlian dengan cara mengajari orang lain keahlian kita tersebut bisa menjadi salah satu peluang usaha yang cukup menjanjikan. Bila kita memiliki kemampuan dalam bidang tertentu, misalnya; keahlian bermain gitar, keahlian membuat website, desain, bahasa Inggris, komputer, dan lain-lain, kita bisa memberikan les private atau kursus di rumah atau bisa juga dilakukan di tempat lain tergantung kondisi yang ada.
Uniknya, sekarang menjalankan bisnis les private atau kursus ini bisa dilakukan secara online via internet. Di Indonesia sendiri saat ini sudah cukup banyak startup bisnis yang memberikan kemudahaan untuk les private/ kursus secara online. Salah satu dari sekian banyak startup tersebut adalah SekolahPintar.com.
Jadi, Sekolahpintar.com menjadi media penghubung antara guru dan murid yang ingin belajar secara online. Materi pelajarannya dalam bentuk video yang bisa langsung ditonton oleh para murid. Selain itu, murid dan guru pun bisa berinteraksi tanya-jawab bila ada materi yang ingin dibahas lebih detail.
Nah, bagi Anda yang punya ilmu atau keahlian khusus tentunya ini adalah sebuah peluang bisnis yang sangat bagus, bahkan bisa dijalankan dengan modal yang sangat minim. Yang perlu Anda lakukan adalah membuat materi pelajaran yang sesuai dengan bidang keahlian Anda, mendaftar menjadi pemateri/ guru di Sekolahpintar.com, dan upload materi pelajaran. Yang pasti kita harus menghubungi pihak Sekolahpintar.com, karena seluruh materi pelajaran yang akan dijual di sana harus atas seijin mereka. Kalau Anda tertarik, bisa mencoba menjadi guru private online di Sekolah Pintar.
5. Membuka Warung atau Toko Sembako

Ilustrasi dari Google Image
Memang bisnis membuka warung/ toko sembako (sembilan bahan pokok) sangat potensial karena pasti akan terus dibutuhkan masyarakat. Namun, bisnis ini sudah cukup banyak yang menjalankannya, karena itu kita sebaiknya melihat tingkat persaingan yang ada, lokasi, dan juga modal yang kita miliki.
Kita juga perlu memperhatikan kelebihan dan kekurangan menjalankan model bisnis ini karena tidak semua orang cocok dalam menjalankan usaha warung sembako. Model bisnis ini membutuhkan perhatian serius, ketelitian, dan membutuhkan keberadaan pemilik usaha terus-menerus, sehingga mau tidak mau Anda harus turun tangan sendiri agar warung sembako bisa berjalan dengan baik.
6. Bisnis Jasa Desain, Editing Foto, dan Percetakan

Ilustrasi dari Google Image
Peluang usaha yang satu ini sangat cocok untuk mereka yang punya keterampilan dan kreativitas dalam mengolah gambar dan desain. Tentunya kita harus memiliki kemampuan dalam menggunakan salah satu software editing foto, seperti: CorelDraw, Photoshop, dan software lainnya.
Untuk membuka sebuah usaha di bidang jasa design, percetakan digital atau digital printing, Anda tidak harus punya modal yang besar. Bahkan Anda bisa mulai berbisnis tanpa modal materiil dengan cara menjual jasa tersebut memanfaatkan layanan dari beberapa situs seperti; Ciptaloka.com, Sribu.com, Sribulancer.com, Projects.co.id, dan lainnya.
Di Ciptaloka.com misalnya, Anda bisa menjual jasa print kaos dengan desain khusus yang sudah Anda ciptakan. Jadi, orang bisa memesan kaos dengan desain tertentu melalui Anda, lalu setelah customer membayar pesanan, Anda bisa memesan kaos dengan desain Anda tersebut melalui Ciptaloka. Dengan cara seperti ini, tentunya akan sangat membantu mereka yang belum punya modal untuk membangun perusahaan percetakan tapi ingin segera berbisnis.
7. Bisnis Membuka Jasa Laundry
Ada beberapa informasi yang harus kita perhatikan bila ingin sukses di bisnis laundry;Bisnis laundry akan sangat laris bila berlokasi di dekat kampus, kost-kostan. Kalau kita perhatikan bisnis laundry ini semakin banyak dan semakin bermacam-macam layanannya, bahkan ada yang menawarkan untuk menjemput pakaian yang akan di-laundry. Bila Anda merasa bisnis ini cocok dengan Anda maka sebaiknya Anda segera melakukannya karena bisnis ini akan selalu dicari oleh banyak orang.
a. Perhatikan target market. Sebelum membuka usaha jasa laundry kita harus tahu dulu siapa target market yang akan sering menggunakan jasa laundry yang ditawarkan. Biasanya orang yang sering menggunakan jasa laundry adalah mahasiswa, pekerja kantoran yang masih bujangan. Tapi tidak menutup kemungkinan pelanggan berasal dari segmen yang berbeda, misalnya ibu rumah tangga.
b. Modal adalah faktor penting yang harus diperhatikan. Bukan hanya modal materiil tapi juga pengetahuan tentang bisnis laundry, kemampuan manajemen, dan jaringan bisnis.
c. Lokasi usaha laundry juga menjadi faktor penentu keberhasilan di bisnis ini. Usahakan membuka bisnis laundry di lokasi yang cukup ramai, misalnya di sekitar perkantoran, perumahan, asrama, atau kost-kostan.
d. Memilih dan membina karyawan juga tidak bisa disepelekan. Bila Anda akan mempercayakan operasional bisnis laundry kepada karyawan, pastikan bahwa karyawan tersebut telah memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup baik.
e. Yang terakhir adalah proses pemasaran dan promosi. Selain menggunakan media offline untuk promosi (misalnya banner, brosur, pamflet), pertimbangkan juga untuk melakukan promosi via internet (misalnya promosi di Facebook).
Itulah tujuh peluang bisnis rumahan secara offline yang bisa kalian lakukan untuk memulai usaha kalian sendiri.. :)
referensi :
Itulah tujuh peluang bisnis rumahan secara offline yang bisa kalian lakukan untuk memulai usaha kalian sendiri.. :)
referensi :
Prospek Bisnis Desain Grafis Profesional
Bisnis Desain Grafis Profesional
Sebelum membaca silahkan buka link berikut --> Disini (Santai sob, link bukan iklan atau spam) :)
Apa itu Desain Grafis ?
Desain grafis adalah suatu bentuk komunikasi visual yang menggunakan gambar untuk menyampaikan informasi atau pesan seefektif mungkin. Dalam disain grafis, teks juga dianggap gambar karena merupakan hasil abstraksi simbol-simbol yang bisa dibunyikan. disain grafis diterapkan dalam disain komunikasi dan fine art. Seperti jenis disain lainnya, disain grafis dapat merujuk kepada proses pembuatan, metoda merancang, produk yang dihasilkan (rancangan), atau pun disiplin ilmu yang digunakan (disain).
Seni disain grafis mencakup kemampuan kognitif dan keterampilan visual, termasuk di dalamnya tipografi, ilustrasi, fotografi, pengolahan gambar, dan tata letak.
Desain grafis adalah suatu bentuk komunikasi visual yang menggunakan gambar untuk menyampaikan informasi atau pesan seefektif mungkin. Dalam disain grafis, teks juga dianggap gambar karena merupakan hasil abstraksi simbol-simbol yang bisa dibunyikan. disain grafis diterapkan dalam disain komunikasi dan fine art. Seperti jenis disain lainnya, disain grafis dapat merujuk kepada proses pembuatan, metoda merancang, produk yang dihasilkan (rancangan), atau pun disiplin ilmu yang digunakan (disain).
Seni disain grafis mencakup kemampuan kognitif dan keterampilan visual, termasuk di dalamnya tipografi, ilustrasi, fotografi, pengolahan gambar, dan tata letak.
Bidang desain grafis merupakan salah satu bisnis yang cukup menjanjikan, karena saat ini banyak sekali perusahaan maupun organisasi yang membutuhkan jasa desain grafis untuk mendesain sebuah iklan/promosi/pesan yang ditujukan kepada khalayak. Belum lagi komunitas, partai, dan institusi pemerintah yang terkadang juga membutuhkan jasa desain grafis. Maka, bisnis jasa desain grafis layak anda coba karena cukup prospektif. Namun sangat direkomendasikan, jika Anda memang berminat pada bidang ini, anda setidaknya harus punya skill untuk mengoperasikan beberapa software untuk mendesain seperti Corel Draw maupun Adobe Photoshop.
Secara umum seorang desain grafis professional bisa mengeluti bidang jasa fotografi, jasa pembuatan logo, gambar, branding, desain t-shirt sampai pada bidang percetakan yang memang sangat erat hubungannya dengan desain grafis. Bidang desain grafis sangat memungkinkan berdikari sendiri menjadi sebuah unit usaha mandiri. arena desain grafis adalah tugasnya merancang gambar atau pola beserta text yang dibutuhkan oleh perorangan atau lembaga. Salah satunya, anda ingin mengembangkan jasa pembuatan logo, kita harus jeli dalam memasarkan jasa di berbagai perusahaan atau instansi yang membutuhkan pembuatan logo. Demikian juga dengan yang lainnya.
Kiat Sukses Memulai Bisnis Desain Grafis Profesional
- Mengasah kreativitas agar mampu menuangkan ide-ide atau konsep-konsep kreatif ke dalam bentuk gambar desain, salah satunya dengan banyak membaca
- Menguasai program-program komputer yang biasa digunakan mendesain grafis
- Senantiasa dapat memberi masukan-masukan terkait ide atau konsep gambar kepada pelanggan yang memesan jasa desain grafis
- Konsisten dalam membuat sebuah desain yang berbeda serta unik dari pada yang lainnya.
Manajemen Bisnis Untuk Menjamin Kesuksesan Usaha Desain Grafis Profesional
- Rajin memasang iklan di internet, baik yang berbayar maupun gratis
- Rajin menyebarkan leaflet atau brosur iklan ke berbagai perusahaan, organisasi, komunitas, partai, dan institusi pemerintah
- Memasang tarif jasa desain grafis yang tidak terlalu tinggi dan khusus untuk pekerjaan desain grafis yang cukup sulit, masalah tarif jasa dapat dirundingkan dengan pelanggan
- Memberikan kartu nama kepada semua pelanggan agar mereka selalu ingat dengan jasa desain grafis anda dan kembali lagi menggunakan jasa anda jika membutuhkannya suatu hari
- Selalu memberikan kontribusi yang baik jika klien atau pelanggan menginginkan desain yang sesuai. Turuti semua yang mereka inginkan agar mereka puas dan tidak kapok untuk selalu memakai jasa kita.
Referensi :
Check Amikom Profile Now
Koordinator Kopertis Wilayah V Yogyakarta, Bambang Supriyadi mengatakan, pencapaian tersebut membuktikan keberhasilan Amikom dalam meningkatkan kapasitas institusi. Pasalnya dari sekian banyak perguruan tinggi di Yogyakarta yang mengajukan perubahan bentuk, hanya tiga yang disetujui. Di mana satu di antaranya adalah STIMIK Amikom.
“Universitas Amikom sekarang sudah punya 16 prodi (program studi). Sebelumnya hanya lima,” kata Bambang. Menurutnya penambahan 11 prodi baru akan memberikan konsekuensi yang besar. Di mana Universitas Amikom harus mempertahan aktivasinya dengan nilai akreditasi yang baik.
Selain itu, Amikom juga perlu menyiapkan pemantapan sumber daya manusia (SDM) pengajar di 11 prodi baru tersebut. Paling tidak, kata Bambang, Amikom membutuhkan 66 pengajar baru untuk memenuhi kebutuhan prodi yang sudah ada.
(Sumber berita: http://www.republika.co.id/berita/pendidikan/dunia-kampus/17/02/14/olcyta368-amikom-berubah-status-jadi-universitas)
Wednesday, 15 February 2017
Posted by Unknown
The Legend of Situ Bagendit
Once upon a time in Northern Garut, there was lived a rich woman named Nyi Endit. She lived alone in a very big house. She was very greedy so people called her Bagenda Endit, the greedy wealthy woman.
“I’m the richest woman in this village. Ha..ha..ha all these wealth are mine. No one can take even a little cent from me.”
“I have all of these by my own. So why do I have to share the things with the other?” That was what she thought about. She didn’t care with the people around her,although they were very poor and were starving.
One day, a very old woman came to her and asked for help.
She said,” Bagenda Endit, please help me. My son has never had any food for days. We are starving”.
“Hi, the ugly old woman! Get away from me! I don’t care with you or your son. Whether you are starving or even dying, it is not my bussiness.” Bagenda Endit shouted.
The old woman didn’t move from Bagenda Endit sight so Bagenda Endit sprayed the woman with some water. The old woman and her son got wet.
Bagenda Endit was so cruel. She didn’t feel a little sorry for the old woman. Even she got angrier. She forced the old woman to get out of her yard .
“Hi..hi..hi ! What such a foolish woman! Who does she think she is, so that she comes to me for a help.”
A few days later, a very old man ,with a stick to walk, came to Bagenda Endit and asked for some water.
“Bagenda, please give me some water. I am so thirsty. If you don’t mind I’ll take the water from your well.” Asked the old man.
“Hey, the poor old man. I don’t want you to take my water. Any drop of my water is only for me. No one can take any of them. Go away!”said Bagenda Endit.
The man went by..., He used his stick to walk. He stopped by the Bagenda Endit’s house yard,put his stick on the ground and shouted ,”Bagenda Endit, you don’t want to loose any drop of your water. Now I will give you more water.”
He took his stick out of the ground and the water came out , bursted into the air. It swept all over the village and it turned into a lake. Bagenda Endit was drowned with all of her wealth. People called the lake Situ Bagendit.
“I’m the richest woman in this village. Ha..ha..ha all these wealth are mine. No one can take even a little cent from me.”
“I have all of these by my own. So why do I have to share the things with the other?” That was what she thought about. She didn’t care with the people around her,although they were very poor and were starving.
One day, a very old woman came to her and asked for help.
She said,” Bagenda Endit, please help me. My son has never had any food for days. We are starving”.
“Hi, the ugly old woman! Get away from me! I don’t care with you or your son. Whether you are starving or even dying, it is not my bussiness.” Bagenda Endit shouted.
The old woman didn’t move from Bagenda Endit sight so Bagenda Endit sprayed the woman with some water. The old woman and her son got wet.
Bagenda Endit was so cruel. She didn’t feel a little sorry for the old woman. Even she got angrier. She forced the old woman to get out of her yard .
“Hi..hi..hi ! What such a foolish woman! Who does she think she is, so that she comes to me for a help.”
A few days later, a very old man ,with a stick to walk, came to Bagenda Endit and asked for some water.
“Bagenda, please give me some water. I am so thirsty. If you don’t mind I’ll take the water from your well.” Asked the old man.
“Hey, the poor old man. I don’t want you to take my water. Any drop of my water is only for me. No one can take any of them. Go away!”said Bagenda Endit.
The man went by..., He used his stick to walk. He stopped by the Bagenda Endit’s house yard,put his stick on the ground and shouted ,”Bagenda Endit, you don’t want to loose any drop of your water. Now I will give you more water.”
He took his stick out of the ground and the water came out , bursted into the air. It swept all over the village and it turned into a lake. Bagenda Endit was drowned with all of her wealth. People called the lake Situ Bagendit.
Candi Prambanan or Candi Rara Jonggrang is a 9th-century Hindu temple compound in Central Java, Indonesia, dedicated to the Trimurti, the expression of God as the Creator (Brahma), the Preserver (Vishnu) and the Destroyer (Shiva). The temple compound is located approximately 17 kilometres (11 mi) northeast of the city of Yogyakarta on the boundary between Central Java and Yogyakarta provinces.
But behind the grandeur of prambanan Temple is preserved a very tragic love story between bandung bondowoso and roro jonggrang
Once upon a time, there was a vicious King by the name King Baka, who liked to sacrifice humans everyday. He had a preference for killing young people. This behavior caused the people to be always in panic, but they could not do anything because the King was so powerful. So everyday he sent his soldiers to find people suitable to be killed. These soldiers looked as vicious as their master. But the soldiers were also afraid of King Baka, because if they failed to find the victim, they became the victim instead.
So, from day to day people became more worried and many of them fled to the neighboring places to find safety away from the vicious King. Fortunately, a neighboring kingdom was headed by a very wise King, the King of Pengging. He always took care his people and protected them against any threat. He heard about the vicious King, and he tried to find ways to kill King Baka. He knew that one day the vicious King might attack his Kingdom. The wise King had a son called Bandung Bondowoso, his only son whom he loved so much. Bandung Bondowoso grew up to be a young man whom his father expected to take over the kingdom at a later time. One day Bandung Bondowoso asked his father if he might go to meditate in faraway place in order to improve his spiritual strength. His father was very pleased with his son's idea. So the King ordered his soldiers to accompany his son on his journey to a place for meditation. Bandung Bondowoso was committed to a period of meditation after he got a blessing from God . At last he finished his meditation after 15 years in a dense wood. So Bandung Bondowoso became a powerful young man, invulnerable to injury because of his powerful spiritual strength. He returned to his father's palace. All the people were very happyto see Bandung Bondowoso returned home, especially his father, the King. The people of Pengging Kingdom expected Bandung now to be able to kill the neighboring vicious King Baka. His father told Bandung Bondowoso to be prepared for a battle with King Baka.
Up to that time, no one had been able to defeat King Baka, and many countries had been brought under his authority and had to pay their tribute to him. So one night, Bandung Bondowoso stayed awake praying to God, asking him for His Blessing in the coming fight against King Baka. The next morning, Bandung Bondowoso and his soldiers marched to King Baka's Palace. His arrival was unexpected. The battle could not be avoided. There now followed more than 1 0 days of fighting, many casualties resulted on both sides. The air stank with the smell of the dead bodies of the soldiers. Then King Baka realized that Bandung Bondowoso was strong enough to kill all of his soldiers. So he decided to face Bandung Bondowoso by himself, one to one, in battle to avoid more casualties among the soldiers.
The anger of King Baka was no longer in control. He raced down into the battle area to confront Prince Bandung Bondowoso. The soldiers of King Baka hailed him loudly. Both King Baka and Prince Bandung Bondowoso used their full strength and skill against each other. But in time the younger Prince Bandung Bondowoso was able to defeat King Baka, and finally with his last blow, Bandung Bondowoso killed King Baka. King Baka's soldiers ran away, fleeing from the battle ground for safety.
Then the victorious Prince Bandung Bondowoso and his soldiers marched into King Baka's Palace. He went through every part of the palace, and finally he met a very beautiful girl inside the royal park. Bandung Bondowoso was stunned by the beautiful girl in front of him. He had no idea at all who she was. He approached the girl and asked her softly who she was. But the girl was so frightened that she could not answer him. Calmly he looked at his soldiers, waiting for an explanation. Then one of his soldiers explained him that she was the daughter of King Baka, Princess Lorojonggrang. He was once again surprised that the vicious King Baka had such a beautiful daughter. He wanted to hear from the girl herself that she was the daughter of King Baka. He asked the princess, " Is it true that you are the daughter of King Baka ?". Gently she whisper to him that she was. In his heart Prince Bandung Bondowoso admired the princess' beauty. If he had known that King Baka had a beautiful daughter, he would not have killed the King . Bandung Bondowoso felt pity for Lorojonggrang but he could not undo the killing of her father.
So, Prince Bandung Bondowoso approached Princess Lorojonggrang once again saying that he did not know that King Baka had a beautiful daughter. She moved away frightened, looking at Prince Bandung Bondowoso, who appeared strong and well built, but his face was as ugly as a giant's. Princess Lorojonggrang kept silent. Then Prince Bandung Bondowoso asked her if she already had a husband. While she wiped the sweat from her frightened face she answered that she was still a maiden. She asked Bandung Bondowoso if he was the one who killed her father. The Prince answered that it was so. On hearing the Prince' answer, the princess felt a new hatred grow in her heart toward this man who had asked her to marry him. The Princess tried several times to avoid the question and moved further away from the Prince . Gently he approached her and whispered : "Will you marry me and be my only wife?", "Whatever you wish I will give anything you want", she responded. " Don't think to what has had happened. If your father were alive, I would extend my proposal to him. But things have been done and God has decided our fate, and we should accept whatever God has decided". The princess remained silent. In her mind she was trying to think how to stay alive and not anger Bandung Bondowoso . She decided that she would not marry an ugly man, whoever he was.
Softly she agreed to marry Bandung Bondowoso on one condition. She asked Bandung Bondowoso to make 1000 temples for her in one night. The Prince was surprised at the condition she proposed. He said, " Why must I build so many temples for you?". Princess Lorojonggrang answered, "Oh, I love the temples. They can be used to beautify our park and as ornaments for the ladies park. We can also use the temples for our honeymoon and besides they will be nice for our children to play in". The Prince was stunned for awhile, but his love to Lorojonggrang and his powerful spiritual strength helped him decide that he would make 1000 temples as proposed.
Before the sunset, he meditated and asked help from God, and from all the spirits to help him build the 1000 temples. Then the work started, With the Prince and his soldiers helped by all the Spirits and Demons, the work ran so fast that it worried Lorojonggrang She prayed to all the heavenly beings, saying that it was unfair for her to marry an ugly man like Bandung Bondowoso. She asked God to keep her from marrying this ugly man. Then God whispered to her what she must do. Very early in the morning, before the cock started crowing, she went out from the Palace heading toward the village.There she ordered all the villagers, mostly women, to bang the bamboo drum, creating a loud noise as a signal that sunrise was approaching. The first bamboo drum sounding encourages all to do likewise and soon all the people were sounding the bamboo drums. Suddenly, the cock crowed more and more, harder and harder, until all cocks in the village were crowing together: Everyone came out from the houses carrying their farm tools as if they were ready to work in the fields. In fact the day was still dark, no sign of sunrise. The heavenly beings, the ghosts and other spiritual souls, now hear the drumming and believe the morning sun will came out soon. People be starting their field work right away, and those ghost and spiritual souls, who were busy making the temples, were afraid of seeing people, So they fled. The princess had found a way to trick Bandung Bondowoso away from his work.
Suddenly, the sound from the working of the temples stopped . Bandung Bondowoso was surprised; why had the work stopped. He counted the number of temples which had been finished, ........ in all there were 999 temples. One more temple and he would be able to marry Lorojonggrang. He looked around trying to find what had stopped the work. Then he saw Lorojonggrang still banging on the bamboo drum, accompanied by the village girls. Now Bandung Bondowoso realized that it was Lorojonggrang who caused the work to stop. Bandung Bondowoso shouted at her angrily, "Lorojonggrang, now I know that you are a very treacherous woman, a liar, a vicious woman, damn you girl. I almost finished making the 1000 temples, why did you interrupt my work. One more temple and you become my wife." "Calm down my dear Prince, I love you because you are so strong and powerful" replied Lorojonggrang." It seems that God did not permit us to be husband and wife " continued Lorojonggrang. Prince Bandung Bondowoso's anger was no longer under control. "You are not worthy to live, may God curse you" yelled the Prince. "Since I need one more temple to finish the 1000 , I will make you the statue of Lorojonggrang to complete my 1000 temples" shouted the Prince, roaring like an angry tiger. At that at moment the world stood still, and the beautiful Princess Lorojonggrang became a stone statue. The Prince was silent, amazed that the Princess had really changed into a stony yet beautiful statue . Still in his remaining anger, he looked towards the village girls and said : "You, Prambanan girls, you will never marry anybody, you will be old maids."
It is said that among the statues in Lorojonggrang Temple, there is one statue that looks lonely. The story of Bandung Bondowoso is a tale reminding people, that excessive power can mislead one's wisdom, and turn one into a ruthless person whatever his or her position in the community, as happened with King Baka. On the other hand, Prince Bandung Bondowoso, who had shown his loyalty to his father and his people, when he became too strong, his own strength did not always lead to the satisfaction of all his desires. When he was unable to control himself during his anger, his only words brought tragedy upon him.
Si pitung From Rawa Belong
In the past, the Dutch colonial era in Jakarta (formerly Batavia) there lived a man named si Pitung Gallant. He was born to the husband and wife who called Pak Piun and Bu Pinah. Mr. Piun job everyday is to farm.
Si Pitung every day helping his father plant rice, picking coconuts and look for grass to feed their cattle. Si Pitung also does not hesitate to help a neighbor who needed help. Si Pitung every day also very diligently perform the prayers and fasting, his father also always taught si Pitung to speak words that are polite, and be obedient to parents.
Si Pitung and her family live in Rawabelong village, kebayoran areas. The area is part of the power of a landowner named babah Liem Soen Tjeng, therefore all citizens who live in obligated to pay there taxes to babah Liem.
The results of the land tax will be deposited to the Netherlands.
In the tax levy, babah Liem was aided by his men from among the natives. The men raised babah Liem is the natives who are good at martial arts and play weapons. The aim is that the villagers did not dare to fight and argue at times withheld taxes.
Until one day, while helping his father collect as si Pitung the crops from the fields. Arriving at home, what a surprise si Pitung saw fruit babah Liem was morose to his father. Si Pitung then approached his father and asked his servants babah Liem, "Hey, what my father fault?" "Just ask your father's!!", answered the subordinates of babah Liem.
Servants of babah Liem then go with bringing all the crops that have been collected si Pitung and his father. With a tone of indignation, si Pitung spoke in his heart, "Wait for my revenge!"
Until the next day when si Pitung walking down the village, he sees the servants of arbitrariness babah Liem again. They seized the chicken, goat, coconut, and rice from the population, without compassion.
As a citizen who feels responsible for the security, then the Pitung not staying silent. Si Pitung then approaches fruit babah Liem's son, and then shouted "stop the Coward!! Why are you guys seized the possessions of others?! "
The servants then turned towards Liem babah si Pitung. "Who is this, how dare you prevent us? You don't know who we are? ", cried the child fruit babah Liem.
"I don't care who you are, but it is very cruel of you deeds and not berperi the humanity!", replied the Pitung.
Hear the word si Pitung, leader of the servants of babah Liem became snarled. He then approached si Pitung, and attacked blindly. He thinks that'll be easy Pitung torn down. However, beyond conjecture, Pitung even block his arm and membantingnya to the ground and fainted. Servants of the other stop Liem babah flurry they besiege Pitung. With alacrity Pitung attacked first. There are five people who mengeroyoknya. One by one he black eyebrow or bone dry them until they're moaning in pain. Then they are carrying a leader of centeng which is still unconscious and flees.
Before leaving, they threatened: "Beware, lest we reported Demang."
A few days after the event, the name became Pitung talks throughout the 1980s. Still, trepidation and no fixed Pitung behave quietly. He doesn't even shy away if anyone asked him about the incident.
One day, Mr. Piun told Pitung sell goats to Tanah Abang Market. Mr. Piun was in need of money to fulfill needs of the family. Pitung went to Tanah Abang Market to sell the two goats. Unbeknownst Pitung, there is one person babah Liem subordinates who followed him since leaving home earlier. And at the moment the Pitung bathing in rivers and ablution, servants of babah Liem had been stealing money from the pocket of goat sale proceeds of her dress which is diletakkakn on the edge of the river.
Arriving at the House, si Pitung is shocked. Goat sales results because money does not exist in his pocket again. With a Growl he returned to Tanah Abang Market and look for the person who had stolen his money. After conducting an investigation, she found that person. The people were gathered together in a coffee shop.
Si Pitung approached him and rebuked, "restore invested!"
One said while laughing, "you can take this money, but we have to become our members."
"I'm Not willing to be a member of all of you," replied the Pitung.
The servants of babah Liem's enraged answer si Pitung. In unison they stormed Pitung. However, they face is Si Pitung from Rawabelong village who once beat up six of centeng Liem Babah alone. As a result, one by one they struck blows Si Pitung.
Since that day, Si Pitung decided to stand up for people who are weak. He could not stand it anymore to see the suffering of the common people, who are oppressed landlords and smoked by the Netherlands colonizers. Some servents of babah Liem defeated, there is a conviction and he invited them to form a group. With his group, he despoil the homes of the rich and dispenses the treasures to the spoil of the poor and weak.
The name of a fragrant Pitung among commoners. The landlords and people who profit by favoring Netherlands becomes uncomfortable. They complain that the Netherlands Government concerns.
Colonial ruler in Batavia also ordered authorities to arrest Pitung. Schout Heyne, Commander of Kebayoran, ordered the police to find out the mantri where si Pitung is located. Schout Heyne promising much money to anyone who is willing to tell the whereabouts of si Pitung
Knowing himself to be a fugitive, Pitung moved around the place and he still helps people. Treasure booty from the rich to give to the people he was always weak and oppressed by colonialism.
One day, Pitung and his group stuck by Dutch police stratagem. Si Pitung along with his group would rob a demang, but it turns out the Dutch police had earlier hiding around the House demang. When police arrived, Pitung group immediately laid siege to the House. Pitung let himself get caught, while his friends managed to escape. Finally si Pitung was taken to jail and held there.
Because the Pitung is an ingenious extensible and powerful, then he managed to escape through the roof at night when the guard is resting. In the morning, the guards panicked because Pitung not in prison anymore.
This sign of si Pitung news made the Dutch police and the rich people become not at peace again. Then Schout Heyne commanded to arrest the parents and teachers of si Pitung. They forced the police to notify the existence of Si Pitung now. However, they remain tight-lipped. As a result, they were put into prison.
Hearing the news that his parents and his teacher was arrested by Dutch police, then si Pitung sent a message to the Netherlands. He said it would give themselves if parents and his teacher were freed. The deal was later approved by the Schout Heyne.
Later in the day agreed, they met in the field. Parents Pitung released beforehand. Now only Hajj Naipin Dutch police are still together. In the field, a squad of police pointing guns at Haji Naipin.
"Let Haji Naipin now", said the Pitung. "I will deliver your teacher after you actually give up", said Schout Heyne.
Hear the terms proposed Schout Heyne, then si Pitung forward into the middle of the field. With alacrity, police forces and aiming their weapons towards si Pitung.
"Finally caught also, Pitung!" cried the haughty tone Heyne Schout.
"Yes, but I would definitely qualify again. With cowards like you guys, how dare rely solely on older pieces, I'm not afraid, "said si Pitung.
Hearing these words Pitung, Schout Heyne became angry. He took a few steps and gave orders that the troops get ready to shoot. Haji Naipin, who still were there protesting the actions of that cowardly. But protests from Haji Naipin was not being heard, and aba-aba si Pitung to shoot it was shouted. Finally si Pitung autumn soaked in blood.
Parents and teachers si Pitung felt very sad to see si Pitung eventually fall in the hands of the Dutch police. Many of the people who accompany her funeral and pray for him. They promise you will always remember the services of Si Pitung, Defender and protector of them, and still be considered si Pitung betawi as heroes.
Si Pitung every day helping his father plant rice, picking coconuts and look for grass to feed their cattle. Si Pitung also does not hesitate to help a neighbor who needed help. Si Pitung every day also very diligently perform the prayers and fasting, his father also always taught si Pitung to speak words that are polite, and be obedient to parents.
Si Pitung and her family live in Rawabelong village, kebayoran areas. The area is part of the power of a landowner named babah Liem Soen Tjeng, therefore all citizens who live in obligated to pay there taxes to babah Liem.
The results of the land tax will be deposited to the Netherlands.
In the tax levy, babah Liem was aided by his men from among the natives. The men raised babah Liem is the natives who are good at martial arts and play weapons. The aim is that the villagers did not dare to fight and argue at times withheld taxes.
Until one day, while helping his father collect as si Pitung the crops from the fields. Arriving at home, what a surprise si Pitung saw fruit babah Liem was morose to his father. Si Pitung then approached his father and asked his servants babah Liem, "Hey, what my father fault?" "Just ask your father's!!", answered the subordinates of babah Liem.
Servants of babah Liem then go with bringing all the crops that have been collected si Pitung and his father. With a tone of indignation, si Pitung spoke in his heart, "Wait for my revenge!"
Until the next day when si Pitung walking down the village, he sees the servants of arbitrariness babah Liem again. They seized the chicken, goat, coconut, and rice from the population, without compassion.
As a citizen who feels responsible for the security, then the Pitung not staying silent. Si Pitung then approaches fruit babah Liem's son, and then shouted "stop the Coward!! Why are you guys seized the possessions of others?! "
The servants then turned towards Liem babah si Pitung. "Who is this, how dare you prevent us? You don't know who we are? ", cried the child fruit babah Liem.
"I don't care who you are, but it is very cruel of you deeds and not berperi the humanity!", replied the Pitung.
Hear the word si Pitung, leader of the servants of babah Liem became snarled. He then approached si Pitung, and attacked blindly. He thinks that'll be easy Pitung torn down. However, beyond conjecture, Pitung even block his arm and membantingnya to the ground and fainted. Servants of the other stop Liem babah flurry they besiege Pitung. With alacrity Pitung attacked first. There are five people who mengeroyoknya. One by one he black eyebrow or bone dry them until they're moaning in pain. Then they are carrying a leader of centeng which is still unconscious and flees.
Before leaving, they threatened: "Beware, lest we reported Demang."
A few days after the event, the name became Pitung talks throughout the 1980s. Still, trepidation and no fixed Pitung behave quietly. He doesn't even shy away if anyone asked him about the incident.
One day, Mr. Piun told Pitung sell goats to Tanah Abang Market. Mr. Piun was in need of money to fulfill needs of the family. Pitung went to Tanah Abang Market to sell the two goats. Unbeknownst Pitung, there is one person babah Liem subordinates who followed him since leaving home earlier. And at the moment the Pitung bathing in rivers and ablution, servants of babah Liem had been stealing money from the pocket of goat sale proceeds of her dress which is diletakkakn on the edge of the river.
Arriving at the House, si Pitung is shocked. Goat sales results because money does not exist in his pocket again. With a Growl he returned to Tanah Abang Market and look for the person who had stolen his money. After conducting an investigation, she found that person. The people were gathered together in a coffee shop.
Si Pitung approached him and rebuked, "restore invested!"
One said while laughing, "you can take this money, but we have to become our members."
"I'm Not willing to be a member of all of you," replied the Pitung.
The servants of babah Liem's enraged answer si Pitung. In unison they stormed Pitung. However, they face is Si Pitung from Rawabelong village who once beat up six of centeng Liem Babah alone. As a result, one by one they struck blows Si Pitung.
Since that day, Si Pitung decided to stand up for people who are weak. He could not stand it anymore to see the suffering of the common people, who are oppressed landlords and smoked by the Netherlands colonizers. Some servents of babah Liem defeated, there is a conviction and he invited them to form a group. With his group, he despoil the homes of the rich and dispenses the treasures to the spoil of the poor and weak.
The name of a fragrant Pitung among commoners. The landlords and people who profit by favoring Netherlands becomes uncomfortable. They complain that the Netherlands Government concerns.
Colonial ruler in Batavia also ordered authorities to arrest Pitung. Schout Heyne, Commander of Kebayoran, ordered the police to find out the mantri where si Pitung is located. Schout Heyne promising much money to anyone who is willing to tell the whereabouts of si Pitung
Knowing himself to be a fugitive, Pitung moved around the place and he still helps people. Treasure booty from the rich to give to the people he was always weak and oppressed by colonialism.
One day, Pitung and his group stuck by Dutch police stratagem. Si Pitung along with his group would rob a demang, but it turns out the Dutch police had earlier hiding around the House demang. When police arrived, Pitung group immediately laid siege to the House. Pitung let himself get caught, while his friends managed to escape. Finally si Pitung was taken to jail and held there.
Because the Pitung is an ingenious extensible and powerful, then he managed to escape through the roof at night when the guard is resting. In the morning, the guards panicked because Pitung not in prison anymore.
This sign of si Pitung news made the Dutch police and the rich people become not at peace again. Then Schout Heyne commanded to arrest the parents and teachers of si Pitung. They forced the police to notify the existence of Si Pitung now. However, they remain tight-lipped. As a result, they were put into prison.
Hearing the news that his parents and his teacher was arrested by Dutch police, then si Pitung sent a message to the Netherlands. He said it would give themselves if parents and his teacher were freed. The deal was later approved by the Schout Heyne.
Later in the day agreed, they met in the field. Parents Pitung released beforehand. Now only Hajj Naipin Dutch police are still together. In the field, a squad of police pointing guns at Haji Naipin.
"Let Haji Naipin now", said the Pitung. "I will deliver your teacher after you actually give up", said Schout Heyne.
Hear the terms proposed Schout Heyne, then si Pitung forward into the middle of the field. With alacrity, police forces and aiming their weapons towards si Pitung.
"Finally caught also, Pitung!" cried the haughty tone Heyne Schout.
"Yes, but I would definitely qualify again. With cowards like you guys, how dare rely solely on older pieces, I'm not afraid, "said si Pitung.
Hearing these words Pitung, Schout Heyne became angry. He took a few steps and gave orders that the troops get ready to shoot. Haji Naipin, who still were there protesting the actions of that cowardly. But protests from Haji Naipin was not being heard, and aba-aba si Pitung to shoot it was shouted. Finally si Pitung autumn soaked in blood.
Parents and teachers si Pitung felt very sad to see si Pitung eventually fall in the hands of the Dutch police. Many of the people who accompany her funeral and pray for him. They promise you will always remember the services of Si Pitung, Defender and protector of them, and still be considered si Pitung betawi as heroes.
The Origin Of The Merapi Volcano
Mount Merapi is located in Sleman, Yogyakarta special region province and in several districts of Central Java Province such as Magelang, Boyolali and Klaten. According to local people, formerly an area now occupied by Mount Merapi is still in the form of flat land. Because of a situation that is urgent, the gods in heaven, agree to move the mountain of Jamurdipa in the southern sea to the area. However, after the move, Mount Jamurdipa which was originally just a normal mount (not active) turned into a volcano. What caused Mount Jamurdipa turn into a volcano after the area was transferred to? Follow her story in the story of the origin of the following Mount Merapi!
* * *
Once upon a time, the island of Java is one of the five largest island in Indonesia. Allegedly, the island in the past it is uneven or sloping. Therefore, the gods in heaven intends to make the island doesn't tilt. In a meeting, they then decided to found a great and high mountain in Central Java as a counterbalance. Then disepakatilah to move the mountain of Jamurdipa in the southern sea to an area of flat land that lies on the border of Sleman Regency Yogyakarta special region province, and Magelang, Boyolali, Klaten of Central Java province.
Meanwhile, in areas where the mountain Jamurdipa will be placed there two masters who were making keris sakti. They are the masters of Rama and Pamadi Masters who have supernatural powers. Therefore, the gods first will advise both the masters in order to immediately move to another place so it's not a mountain by the littlest toe will be placed in that area. King of the gods, Bathala soon sent Batara Narada and Penyarikan along with a number of Gods of the Heaven Palace guards to persuade both the masters.
Once in place, the Messenger of the gods directly approached both the masters who are busy forging iron mixed with an assortment of metal. What a surprise and the God Batara Narada Penyarikan while witnessing how masters of Rama and Pamadi Masters make Kris. Both of these masters of forging ingot iron smoldering without using hammer and anvil for metal, but with their hands and thighs. They are like a Hammer fist very hard steel. Every time their fist in an iron ingot pukulkan furnace was seen a spark of light that shines forth.
"Excuse Me, Master! We are messengers of the gods want to speak to two Masters, "said the God Penyarikan.
The masters of both soon put a stop to his job and then the second messengers of the gods allow it to sit.
"What the hell, Pukulun?[1] there are that can help your servant? "asked Master Rama.
"Our Coming hither to convey the request of the gods to the Masters," said Batara Narada.
"Whether that request?" asked Master Pamadi curious, "Hopefully we can fill that demand."
Batara Narada also explains the gods demand to both masters. After hearing the explanation, both were just stunned. They felt that the gods demand it is extremely heavy.
"Excuse my servant, Pukulun! The servant instead intends to refuse the request of the gods. But, need Pukulun know that make Milky Kris should not be done haphazardly, including moving the venue, "explained Master Rama.
"But Master, this State has been very urgent. If both Masters were not immediately moved from here Java this will increase the longer the skewed, "said the God Penyarikan.
"True Gods Word Penyarikan. Master, we are willing to find a better place for you both, " Said Masters of Narada.
Although it had been promised a better place, both the masters remains unwilling to move away from that place.
"Sorry, Pukulun! We have not been able to meet the demand. If we move, while this work is not yet finished, the keris is we made it not as good as expected. Anyway, there is still much nicer flat ground to put Mount Jamurdipa it, "said Master Pamadi.
Look at the masters of both steadiness, Narada masters of the filtering and the gods began to lose patience. Therefore, carrying out the mandate of Batara Guru, they were forced to threaten a second masters in order to immediately move away from the place.
"O, Rama and Pamadi masters of Masters! Don't force us to expel you from this place, "said Batara Narada.
Both of these masters are not afraid because they feel it acaman also is a task to be completed. Therefore, both sides remained firm on the establishment respectively, finally there was a dispute between them. Both the masters remains unperturbed even though they face is the Messenger of the gods. With supernatural powers, they are ready to fight for the sake of maintaining the place. Surefire, a fierce battle was inevitable. Though attacked by the two gods, along with his hosts, the two masters were successful winning battles.
Batara Narada and Lord Penyarikan who lost the fight was immediately flown to Heaven to report to Bathala.
The "Geez, Batara Guru! We have failed to persuade the two masters. They are very Milky mandraguna, "Batara report Narada.
Hear reports it Batara Guru became angry.
"The Foundation is indeed stubborn second masters. They should be given lessons, "said Batara Guru.
"The God vayu, inflatable Mountain Jamurdipa you emptied it!" exclaimed Bathala.
With his divine, the God Vayu immediately blew the mountain. The blowing Of the Wind is like the hurricanes managed to fly Jamurdipa to hover in the sky and then falling right in the fireplace both the masters. The two masters who are in that place was part of Mount Jamurdipa by the littlest toe to death instantly. According to the story, the spirit of the masters became the second watchman mountain. Meanwhile, a fireplace where both make keris Milky turned into a crater. Because it was a crater in the beginning was a fireplace, then the gods changed the name of the mountain being Mount Merapi.
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
Posted by Unknown